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Character Information
Name:Xexa Oldtimes
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Enforced
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 125 players
Last login:1 June 2024, 2:09 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 50.105.500 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 10%
Tasks: 02%

27 May 2024, 21:52 Killed at level 237 by Antica, Fardmorix, Guama Desguezado, Dutch Passion, Eibach, Bruna Punheteira, Davineitor, Teacher Jaguarex, Dynamo Return, Killer Avenger, Corrseero, Dazzler Haytio Noo, Diguinho Roludo, Torneo Cell Papi, Habbo Is Back, Jin Yuz Hanxz, Corserro, Simples Nacionals, Mablung, Malako Push, Muzan Kibutsuji, Pribizinho, Lk Death, Katalillberri and by Leeoxd.
27 May 2024, 21:48 Killed at level 238 by Mablung, Vps Dois, Pribizinho, Accostini, Diego Insano, Teacher Jaguarex, Jin Yuz Hanxz, Ziilt, Desprezivel, Torneo Cell Papi, Bruniinz, Eibach, Zumbi Dos Jantares, Vps Edfghiklm, Official Kagbe, Erick Oldtimes, Frame, Antica, Kmkz Mxciel, Hyt Vityn, Jameesbrow, Guama Desguezado, Habbo Is Back, Dynamo Return, The Nature Scout and by Nauczaniie.
27 May 2024, 21:41 Killed at level 238 by Dutch Passion, Torneo Cell Papi, Antica, Teacher Jaguarex, Guama Desguezado, Dezzler, Mounz, Oto Oto, Jin Yuz Hanxz, Maldito Gordo, Sr Koringa Loko, Hyt Vityn, The Nature Scout, Bruna Punheteira, Zidanee, Mablung, Vtr Lower Level, Desprezivel and by Rahelovsky.
27 May 2024, 21:37 Killed at level 239 by Erick Oldtimes, Dazzler Maker, Dutch Passion, Mounz, Teacher Jaguarex, Antica, Sr Koringa Loko, Guama Desguezado, Ziilt, Dynamo Return, Bruniinz, Maldito Gordo, Zumbi Dos Jantares, Torneo Cell Papi, Lk Death, Malako Push, Accostini, Official Kagbe, Jameesbrow, Zidanee, Pribizinho and by Desprezivel.
27 May 2024, 21:26 Killed at level 239 by Lk Death, Kate Austen, Siir Zeuzz, Katalillberri, Watapituberrys, Weasley, Corserro, Luciano, Fibonacci, Muzan Kibutsuji, Hjdoxza Manjeico, Evill Of Fire and by Masflam Tenebroso.
27 May 2024, 21:24 Killed at level 240 by Vps Dois, Torneo Cell Papi, Rip Dazzler, Antica, Killer Avenger, Dazzler Maker, Adony Style, Dutch Passion, Kmkz Mxciel, Dazzler Haytio Noo, Luciano, Nauczaniie, Desprezivel, Dynamo Return, Maker Seven, Wild, Flamen, Accostini, Official Kagbe, Mablung, Mounz, Fardmorix, Habbo Is Back, Guama Desguezado, Hyt Vityn and by Jameesbrow.
27 May 2024, 21:12 Killed at level 241 by Maldito Gordo, Rip Dazzler, Highlightskzd, Flamen, Adony Style, Fardmorix, Torneo Cell Papi, Dazzler Haytio Noo, Jin Yuz Hanxz, Dutch Passion, Guama Desguezado, Mablung, Wild, Mounz, Habbo Is Back, Dynamo Return, Vps Dois, Kmkz Mxciel, Luciano, Muzan Kibutsuji and by Antica.
27 May 2024, 21:06 Killed at level 241 by Mablung, Maldito Gordo, Highlightskzd, Luciano, Wild, Dazzler Haytio Noo, Flamen, Vps Dois, Rip Dazzler, Antica, Dynamo Return, Adony Style, Fardmorix, Mounz, Official Kagbe, Guama Desguezado, Ruzyc, Hyt Vityn and by Rihanna.
27 May 2024, 21:00 Killed at level 242 by Wild, Vps Dois, Adony Style, Kmkz Mxciel, Mounz, Fardmorix, Torneo Cell Papi, Antica and by Dynamo Return.
23 May 2024, 21:52 Killed at level 241 by Oto Oto, Kate Austen, Xxtzz, Ekzaum, a nightmare, a destroyer and by nightmare scion.

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not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
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