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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Enforced
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 175 players
Last login:4 June 2024, 1:11 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 10%
Tasks: 02%

2 Jun 2024, 02:26 Killed at level 231 by Bonnyz, You Leigo Man, Sun Jin Woo, Guamita, Egocentrico Nopush, Alguem Hardcore and by frost dragon.
30 May 2024, 02:18 Killed at level 226 by Botzanga, Julio Voltio, Frankziio, Guacho Bye, Nymek, Byexperto, Oto Oto, Werosky, Danto Waton Qliao, Habbo Ms and by Stiile Waton Qliao.
30 May 2024, 01:49 Killed at level 227 by Werosky, Lost Connection, Os Crew, Botzanga, Lk Death, Bryant, Byexperto, Julio Voltio, Stiile Waton Qliao, Frankziio, Nymek, Razhid and by Danto Waton Qliao.
30 May 2024, 01:34 Killed at level 227 by Razhid, Botzanga, Danto Waton Qliao, Lost Connection, Julio Voltio, Frankziio, Lk Death, Nymek, Oto Oto, Werosky, Bryant, Os Crew, Byexperto, Habbo Ms, Dezzler, Sun Jin Woo and by Stiile Waton Qliao.
28 May 2024, 23:49 Killed at level 227 by Botzanga, Athelstan, Buceto, Lavanda, Trooyack, Paloso Ed, Byexperto, Time Ring, Habbo Ms, Siir Zeuzz, Oto Oto, Barack The Thais, Ekzaum, Ruzyc, Chinoe Cannabis, Pajaro Maldito, Torrek Waton Qliao, Razhid, Dutch Passion, Kate Austen, Guama Desguezado, Piry, Davineitor and by Rahelovsky.
28 May 2024, 23:48 Killed at level 228 by Lavanda, Athelstan, Buceto, Habbo Ms, Piry, Paloso Ed, Corrseero, Danto Waton Qliao, Byexperto, Pajaro Maldito, Chinoe Cannabis, Time Ring, Siir Zeuzz, Frankziio, Ekzaum, Fire Killer, Oto Oto, Ruzyc, Corserro and by Razhid.
28 May 2024, 23:45 Killed at level 229 by Corrseero, Fire Killer, Corserro, Ekzaum, Paloso Ed, Frankziio, Trooyack, Rahelovsky, Barack The Thais, Pajaro Maldito, Danto Waton Qliao, Nymek, Davineitor, Lavanda, Botzanga, Piry, Byexperto, Simples Nacionals, Torrek Waton Qliao, Ruzyc, Time Ring, Luciano, Chinoe Cannabis, Oto Oto, Athelstan, Razhid, Zayner, Siir Zeuzz, Noxy Paramax and by Bispoke.
28 May 2024, 22:40 Killed at level 229 by Ekzaum, Corrseero, Kate Austen, Time Ring, Xxtzz, Siir Zeuzz, Saint Tamalz, Paloso Ed, Chapito Lomas, Botzanga, Razhid, Os Crew, Trooyack, Fibonacci, Piry, Corserro, Barack The Thais, Patito Lets Go, Luciano, Pajaro Maldito, Diguinho Roludo, Fardmorix and by Frankziio.
28 May 2024, 02:25 Killed at level 229 by Frankziio, Piry, Capitan Tejuino, Mineloff, Chapito Lomas, Fibonacci, Nymek, Corrseero, a dragon lord and by Lk Death.
28 May 2024, 01:34 Died at level 230 by quarpincher, a sea serpent, a quara predator and by quarhydromancer.

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not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences) PvP: +0 (Experiences per Killing)

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