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Character Information
Name:Joaquin Guzman
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Open
Residence:Liberty Bay
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Vice-Leader of the Cartel de los ojetes
Frags:Killed 19 players
Last login:9 October 2023, 3:09 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 30%
Tasks: 00%

7 Oct 2023, 02:47 Died at level 454 by hellhound, a western undead, harazarar, a Hellfire Fighter, a hand of cursed fate, a western princess, a blightwalker, a juggernaut, a demon, an infernalist, a Fire Elemental, a destroyer, a Fire Elemental, a giant spider, a western corrupter and by western terramite.
7 Oct 2023, 02:44 Died at level 455 by plaguesmith, harazarar, a western undead, Franx, a blightwalker, a destroyer, a diabolic imp, a Fire Elemental and by demon.
7 Oct 2023, 02:13 Died at level 456 by harazarar, a western undead, a hellhound, a hand of cursed fate, a giant spider and by western terramite.
7 Oct 2023, 01:25 Killed at level 457 by Wherick Archer, Oriente Se, Tankei Tudo and by Vulgo Andre.
5 Oct 2023, 05:52 Died at level 457 by frost flower asura, a golden asura, a dawnfire asura and by midnight asura.
5 Oct 2023, 01:15 Died at level 457 by dawnfire asura, a golden asura, a frost flower asura and by midnight asura.
4 Oct 2023, 02:38 Died at level 451 by hellhound, a Hellfire Fighter, a betrayed wraith, a destroyer, a demon, a diabolic imp, a Fire Elemental, a dark torturer and by Fire Elemental.
4 Oct 2023, 02:34 Died at level 452 by fury, a demon, a hellhound, a Hellfire Fighter, a dark torturer, a diabolic imp, a betrayed wraith, a destroyer, a Fire Elemental and by Fire Elemental.
4 Oct 2023, 02:30 Died at level 452 by Orshabaal Gundabad, Infernus Return, Franx and by demon.
4 Oct 2023, 01:45 Died at level 453 by hellhound, Orshabaal Gundabad, a dark torturer, a demon, a betrayed wraith and by fury.

Frags List
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1- Senna Toplvl
1288, Royal Paladin
2- Xaxa
285, Royal Paladin
3- Dazzler Toplvl
280, Master Sorcerer
4- Nosfera
280, Royal Paladin
5- Rizzor
279, Master Sorcerer

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