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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Open
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the Last Warning
Frags:Killed 130 players
Last login:19 September 2023, 3:21 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 169.400 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 60%
Tasks: 10%

31 Aug 2023, 21:10 Killed at level 531 by Aregwyou, Latuz Padrino, , Sairu Correndu and by Sanky Druida.
30 Aug 2023, 22:38 Killed at level 532 by Patito Jogaeasy, Juanbar, Kuzan, Fentanilo, Temar, Scripter Seis, Sairu Correndu, Kieg, Flow Mafiaa, Evil Of Fire, Aimammam, Master Tech, Kenji Elderovsky and by Adony Stylle.
30 Aug 2023, 22:13 Killed at level 532 by Sairu Correndu, Fentanilo, Adony Stylle, Likae, Aregwyou, Master Tech, Pelon Consuelas, Nicola Zap, Scripter Seis, Patito Jogaeasy, Sr Marihuano, Sir Zeuzz, Michelemabelle, Jubikera Microonda, Lucas Here, Kuzan, Evil Of Fire, Ell Loko and by Kieg.
30 Aug 2023, 21:47 Killed at level 533 by Zona Norte, Sairu Correndu, Adony Stylle, Temar, Likae, Master Tech, Patito Jogaeasy, Michelemabelle, Active, Black Crazyi, Nicola Zap, Lacritaxz, Aregwyou, Leader Of Ques, Humble, Notorious, Suprema, Old Alexo, Colt Mage, Norie Arka, Arbora Mayka, Baloo Pvp, Mayeru, Mvp Confused and by Vineskun.
30 Aug 2023, 21:45 Killed at level 534 by Active, Temar, Evil Of Fire, Pirilampo Samera, Zona Norte, Notorious and by Norie Arka.
30 Aug 2023, 21:44 Killed at level 534 by Coje Birlos, Black Crazyi, Master Tech, Mvp Confused, Baloo Pvp, Patito Jogaeasy, Suprema, Temar, Norie Arka, Lacritaxz, Adony Top, Quentine Jogadez, Zona Norte, Corsero, Mayeru, Old Alexo, Aimammam and by Juanbar.
30 Aug 2023, 21:42 Killed at level 535 by Black Crazyi, Adony Stylle, Active, Temar, Suprema, Coje Birlos, Lacritaxz, Likae, Pirilampo Samera, Sairu Correndu, Norie Arka, Baloo Pvp, Pelon Consuelas, Colt Mage, Flow Mafiaa, Master Tech, Kerrek, Patito Jogaeasy, Diguinho Malvadeza, Ell Loko, Quentine Jogadez and by Nicola Zap.
30 Aug 2023, 21:39 Killed at level 536 by Active, Humble, Sairu Correndu, Notorious, Zona Norte, Adony Stylle, Likae, Mayeru, Wasousky, Kerrek, Aregwyou, Pirilampo Samera, Corsero, Baloo Pvp, Temar, Suprema, Colt Mage, Diguinho Malvadeza, Aimammam, Quentine Jogadez, Nicola Zap and by Ensinando.
30 Aug 2023, 21:36 Killed at level 536 by Coje Birlos, Pirilampo Samera, Matta Mage, Wasousky, Sairu Correndu, Mayeru, Patito Jogaeasy, Aregwyou, Flow Mafiaa, Suprema, Evil Of Fire, Ell Loko, Zona Norte, , Xirev Knight, Leader Of Ques and by Ensinando.
30 Aug 2023, 21:32 Killed at level 537 by Wasousky, Suprema, Temar, Coje Birlos, Master Tech, Aregwyou, Sairu Correndu, Notorious, Aimammam, Kerrek, Caracas Es Caracas, Adony Stylle, Likae, Juanbar, Sir Zeuzz, Mayeru, , Xirev Knight, Matta Mage, Pelon Consuelas, Flow Mafiaa and by Pirilampo Samera.

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