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Character Information
Name:Hora Do Rush
Profession:Elder Druid
World:Kaldrox Open
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 2477 players
Last login:1 September 2023, 3:41 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 80%
Tasks: 12%

31 Aug 2023, 00:15 Died at level 595 by fury, a demon, a western nightstalker, a Fire Elemental and by hellspawn.
26 Aug 2023, 20:32 Killed at level 582 by Ben Laden, Hell Paladin, Sir Ngow Al, Kiing Of Korno and by Mata Feos.
22 Aug 2023, 10:06 Killed at level 569 by Picolo, Luna Isabelle, and by Sir Ngow Al.
20 Aug 2023, 17:43 Killed at level 565 by Katara, Old Alexo, Orishas, Floody, William Do Brait, Corsero, Pirilampo Samera and by Hell Paladin.
20 Aug 2023, 16:52 Killed at level 565 by Orishas, Old Alexo, Katara, a demon, Sahara, Muffyn, Bluelabel Jwalker, a fury, a hellspawn, a western nightstalker, a Fire Elemental, a Fire Elemental, a Fire Elemental and by behemoth.
17 Aug 2023, 03:28 Died at level 561 by fury, a Fury of Venom, a retching horror, a silencer, an infernalist, a Fire Elemental and by Fire Elemental.
15 Aug 2023, 23:01 Killed at level 561 by Dhyego Araujo, Dolohov, Xirev Knight, Coje Birlos, Norie Arka, Optimus Iphone, Corsero, Diguinho Malvadao, Sir Ngow Al, Fire Anga, Wasousky, Vitao, Palitinho Biz, , Kerrek, Gu Won and by Memoxi Fullbravo.
13 Aug 2023, 19:00 Killed at level 560 by Nikito Deboxah, Kuzan, John Wick, Bubbalo Fullbravo, Yiechz, Adony Stylle, Cristal Ixe, Flying Raijin, Patito Jogaeasy and by Black Crazyi.

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5- Iago Awesome
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